Advertising Rates

Advertising Rate Enquiry

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Booking Deadline:

1st of the month

Material Deadline:

10th of the month

Material Required for Advertisement

  1. Digital files – High resolution (300dpi) PDF or Adobe Illustrator EPS or AI files.
  2. We require a colour proof for all advertisement material. A digital colour proof is preferred for colour accuracy but a good quality colour print-out is acceptable.
  3. All fonts must be embedded or converted to outlines.
  4. We will not accept QuarkXpress, Freehand, Pagemaker, CorelDraw or Microsoft Office files.

Goods and Services Tax (GST) in Malaysia

  1. A GST of 6% of gross amount is chargeable for all advertisers in Malaysia.
  2. Advertisement booked out of Malaysia by a company or advertising agency based in Malaysia will have to pay 6% GST.
  3. Advertisement that is booked out of Malaysia and carries a Malaysia address will have to pay 6% GST.

Terms and Conditions

  1. The Publisher Red Robin Events Sdn Bhd will not be responsible for any errors in the advertisement.
  2. Request for advertisement must be made by an advertisement order form and make out to:
    Red Robin Events Sdn Bhd
  3. The Publisher reserves the right to edit, revise or reject any advertisement.
  4. The Publisher will not be responsible for any loss or damage or failure for any advertisement to appear due to any cause whatsoever nor does the Publisher is liable for any error or failure to appear on a specified date.
  5. Cancellation of order is accepted if it is received by the 5th of the month.
  6. Colour separation or colour separated positives and other materials required for the advertisement are to be supplied by advertisers.
  7. While every reasonable care is taken, neither the Publisher nor its agent are responsible for loss or damage to transparencies or any other material.