Sarawak Launches New Corporate Incentive Product with GoTeam App

Press Room > 2021

Business events in Sarawak, is preparing for international corporate meetings and corporate incentives initiatives with the launch of a brand new team building product, with the resumption of domestic business events in the state. Under Sarawak’s Tribe Legacy Sarawak campaign, the state’s business events industry plans to embrace digital technology to promote destination sustainability and team building activities.

The new teambuilding product  known as Tribespirit Teambuilding is a treasure-hunt inspired adventure which had, its first trial run over the weekend with 40 participants from Sarawak’s business events and tourism industries testing their team leadership skills through, a series of physical challenges throughout Kuching city and, trivia quizzes on Sarawak’s culture, adventure, nature, food and festivals.

A selling point of the teambuilding programme is the use of Go Team mobile application to manage and monitor on-ground activities remotely. Updates, feedback, and scores are kept in real-time to give the programme a more tailored experience

“We are constantly analysing and testing out angles to develop high engagement, motivational programmes that incorporate technology to elevate the experience. The trial run was successful and this initiative will also be developed for other business events cities such as Sibu and Miri in the future.” said Ms. Amelia Roziman, BESarawak’s chief executive officer.